Saturday, October 22, 2011

Mozzarella Sticks (9-17-11)

While on, I found a great picture of mozzarella sticks. Someone had written underneath about baking them instead of frying them. So, I followed the original link to here to get the initial set of ingredients.  Then, I did various browsing online to find out how to bake similar items.  Since it was a lot of browsing and random clicking, I don't have the original link, so bear with me.  Although - to be honest, the fried sticks tasted better.  Just sayin'!

~ 12 pieces string cheese
~ 12 egg roll wrappers (OK. Side note here... I spent FOR-EV-ER (in my world. To most people, this would be more like 2-3 weeks) trying to find these in the freezer section like all the stupid websites said it would be in... No.  They were by the tofu in the produce section.)
~ Cooking spray
~ Egg for sealing the egg roll wrappers (although water works just as good.  Save the egg for a cake! LOL  I read that the egg would be better at sealing the egg roll wrapper... Let's see how well that works!)

First, prep the items... Line the cookie tray with foil and spray with cooking spray.  If necessary, unwrap the string cheese.  Mix up the egg.

Next, roll up your cheese sticks.  I had them on a piece of wax paper.  Be sure to moisten some paper towels to lay over the open egg roll wrapper package. (Side note: To preserve the egg roll wrappers if you do not use all of them, wrap them in a moist paper towel to keep them from drying out and put them in a Ziplock bag.  They will stay good for about 2 weeks.)  Don't forget to tuck in the sides!!  And at the end, use your egg wash or water along the tip before pressing it against the stick. It will (in theory) help it stay closed.

Spray the top of the sticks quick with your cooking spray and put in the oven at 400 for 15 min... Or not...

I ended up pulling mine out after about 10 minutes I believe.  This is why:

Yes.  The cheese erupted.  Which is why I questioned the "sealing power" of the egg wash.  But, alas, it did not stop me from eating it with some yummy pizza sauce (OK... I know it's usually marinara sauce, but the pizza sauce in the squeezy bottle is just so much fun!!).

Update: On 10-9, I tried the frying idea...  I wrapped the cheese sticks up the same as before, using water to seal.  Then I put it in a pan of hot oil (I'm very proud of myself - this was only the second time I've done something like that!  And this time, I didn't try to throw the food in from like a foot away!).  Roll them around every few seconds so that they are equally browned, and then pull them out (after probably 60 seconds total) and put them on some paper towels to help absorb the oil.  The cheese tried sneaking out of a few of them, but I grabbed them out in time.  My hubby was very impressed by the frying skills!!  I may try that again some time!!  They tasted super yummy!!  It's amazing what happens when the cheese stays in the wrapper!  :-)

Skip the baking. Go for the frying!!  MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM!!!

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