Thursday, October 20, 2011

Raisin Snickerdoodles (9-17-11)

This is an alternative to the previous Snickerdoodle Cookie post.  After I made the Raisin Chocolate Chip Cookies, my hubby asked if I could make Raisin Snickerdoodles... So... here are the short notes for them!

Have your 16.5 oz roll of refrigerator sugar cookie dough sliced up.  I also had about 1 cup of raisins and the 1/3 cup sugar (Splenda in our case), 2 teaspoon ground cinnamon, and 1 teaspoon nutmeg blend (i.e. "Snickerdoodle Spices").

To blend the raisins into the cookie dough, I just grabbed a bunch and smooshed it into the dough (yes - "smooshed"... We get real technical here at Nifty Novice! LOL).

Roll each one up into a ball, roll it into the "Snickerdoodle Spices" and place on your sprayed pan about 2 inches apart.  You'll notice 2 cookies on the far left side of the picture... My hubby asked me to put some coconut flakes on there, hoping the toasted coconut would taste real good...

Baked at 350 for 10-13 min until golden brown... Although... I couldn't really tell about the edges of the cookies... Since it turned into one huge cookie!

It did, however, split up easy enough to go on the cooling rack.

The toasted coconut didn't turn out quite as he had hoped.  There was a bit of a toasted coconut taste to it, but not quite enough.  Maybe next time, I'll give him a bit more coconut. ;-)

The cookies actually tasted pretty good.  I just wish there was a way to get them to hold their shape like the Raisin Chocolate Chip Cookies did... I'll have to figure out what the deal is with that.  And, while the "Snickerdoodle Spices" tasted ok, I think we'll skip them next time and just have raisin cookies.  (But, check out the bottom of that cookie!!  PERFECTION AGAIN!!!)

We're getting a bit more creative... Definitely getting interesting!  LOL

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